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Primark验厂咨询您所在的位置:首页 > 客户验厂 > Primark验厂咨询 > 正文


作者: 来源:宁波优维创能信息技术有限公司 日期:2014/7/17 13:38:45 人气:185


Primark Document Checklist (China)


Please keep all documents from this list (applicable to your factory) available for the auditor to review.


With regards to inconsistent records:


-          Primark坚持要看到准确的工时和工资记录,这会在对工厂评级中予以优先反映
Primark insists on access to accurate hours and wages records and will reflect this priority in the rating awarded to your factory.

-          如果在审核中发现不一致或造假的工时和工资记录,这将自动导致工厂的评级为红色

If inconsistent or falsified hours or wage records are identified during an audit this will automatically result in a Red rating.

-          Primark理解一些不符项,特别是工时和工资,需要时间改善 
Primark understands that some non-compliances, particularly those regarding hours and wages, take time to address. 

-          工厂如果表现出对工时和工资的透明并致力于持续改进,这会在评级中予以正面反映

A factory demonstrating transparency in hours and wages and commitment to continuous improvement will see this positively reflected in the rating awarded to them.


人事,工资和福利 Personnel, Wages and Benefits

¨  1. 工商營業執照

                Business Registration

¨  2. 工卡或考勤記錄 (過去十二個月)

         Timecards or Attendance Records (Last 12 Months)

¨  3. 工資表 (過去十二個月)

Payroll Records (Last 12 months)   

¨  4. 人事花名冊及員工個人檔案

Personnel Records

¨  5. 勞動合同

Labor Contract

¨  6. 社會保險收據花名冊及合格證明文件等

Receipt, Name List and Certificate of Social Insurance, Etc.

¨  7. 纪律处罚措施及投诉记录

Disciplinary Measures and Appeal Records

¨  8. 请假记录 Leave records

(1)     病假 Sick leave

(2)     事假 Personal leave

(3)     产假 Maternity leave

(4)     年假 Annual leave

¨  9. 廠規或員工手冊

Factory Regulation or Employee Handbook

¨  10. 政府有關當地最低工資規定文件

Local Minimum Wage Standard

¨  11. 當地勞動局關於延長加班之批文

Official Waiver for Overtime Extension

¨  12. 未成年工名单,體檢及勞動局登記記錄

Young Workers’ Name List, Health Examination and Registration Records

¨  13. 培训纪录

Training records

¨  14. 工会或工人代表/委员会

Trade Union or Worker Committee


健康安全 Health and Safety

¨  1. 安全政策

Health and Safety Policy

¨  2. 健康安全委员会,安全代表,安全委员会的会议记录及义务消防队

Health and Safety Committee, and Fire Brigade

¨  3. 消防檢查報告或合格証明文件

Fire Safety Inspection or Certificate

¨  4. 消防演習記錄、緊急疏散計劃(包括宿舍)

Fire Drill Record, Emergency Evacuation Plan

¨  5. 設備安全許可證(如電梯使用, )

Facilities Safety Operation Certificate, Such as Lift Operation License Hygiene Certificate and Cookers’ Health Certificate

¨  6. 特種工人上崗(如梯工, , 厨工等)

Operation Certificate of Special Operators, Such as Lift Operator, Electrician.

Cooks’ Health Certificate. Etc.

¨  7. 急救 First Aid

(1)     急救记录和急救员证书 First Aid Training and Certificate of First Aid Responder

(2)     工伤事故记录及调查程序 Work Accident Records, Work-related Injury Record and Investigation Procedure

¨  8.劳动保护用品

PPE records

¨   9. 机器设备安全 Machine

(1)     设备维修维护记录 Maintenance records

(2)     断针记录 Broken needle records

¨  10. 化学品的管理 Chemicals Management

(1) 物质资料安全数据表 MSDS

(2) 化学品库存清单  Stock Control List

(3) 化学品使用人员的健康体检 Health Examination Records for workers involved in chemicals

(4) 废品管理(分包商)和回收利用 waste management and recycling


环境保护 Environment

¨  环境保护方面的政府批文

Discharge of pollutant (waster water, air-pollutant etc) approval

¨  环保政策 environment policy



Other documents, subject to actual circumstances during the audit
上一篇: Primark行为准则