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LOWE'S SA社会责任审核文件清单

作者:admin 来源:宁波优维创能信息技术有限公司 日期:2014/7/13 10:16:00 人气:138
      Document List for Lowe's bundled audit-Social Accountability and Environmental Audit
During factory audit, the assessor needs to review the following documents from your factory.  Please make them ready for review if you have these documents.                                                                                                         
No.项目与内容 Items 评审员填写记录区
Below area is left for auditor's records if any
YES       NO       N/AYES       NO
Factory profile/Employee No.& structure/Production capability/(Brands)Marketing
□    □    □□    □
2公司组织架构图 Organization chart□    □    □□    □
3*厂区/厂房平面图 Factory floor plans □    □    □□    □
4*营业执照 Business license □    □    □□    □
5*员工手册/厂纪厂规及处罚记录 Employee manual/handbook,Factory rules & regulations/ Disciplinary practices policy and Records□    □    □□    □
6宿舍规章制度 Dormitory regulations □    □    □□    □
7*招工指引/程序 Recruitment policies & procedures□    □    □□    □
8*人事记录/员工入厂登记/花名册(所有员工 含派遣工、临时工等)Employees' personal files/ Employment registration/roster (all employees,including dispatched employees and temporary employees etc)□    □    □□    □
9*劳动合同(所有员工) Labor contracts (all employees)□    □    □□    □
10未成年工人体检 &员工 职业健康体检 Young worker health examination & occupational health examination records,(if applicable)□    □    □□    □
11未成年工名单/登记证/工作安排规定 List of young workers/ registration approval from local labor bureau/regulations on shift arrangement for young workers□    □    □□    □
12请假单 Leave records □    □    □□    □
13离职记录 Resignation records□    □    □□    □
14奖惩记录/警告信 Awards & Penalty Records/Warning notification letters□    □    □□    □
15工会组织会议记录/工会代表选举程序及其职责/工人投诉处理程序及记录 Meeting minutes of union/Selection program and Responsibility of workers’ Rep./Complaint& handling record□    □    □□    □
16*工作时间记录(12个月) Time cards/attendant records(12 months)□    □    □□    □
Leave records(Paid annual leave/Maternity leave/Marriage& Funeral leave )
□    □    □□    □
18综合计时批文/加班批文 Consolidated working hours permit by local labor bureau/Extended Overtime Hours Waiver□    □    □□    □
19*当地政府最低工资文件 Legal/ Local official minimum wage document□    □    □□    □
20*工资表(12个月) (含工人签名) Payroll records with employees' signatures (12 months)□    □    □□    □
21记件工生产(台班)记录/计件工资表 Production records of piece rate workers/Piece rate records□    □    □□    □
22工资扣除/罚款记录 Wage deduction/Penalty records □    □    □□    □
23生产记录,如生产日报表,断针记录,品检记录等 Production records, such as Daily Production Records, Needle Broken Records, Quality Control Records and etc. □    □    □□    □
24*社会保险缴付凭证和参保符合性批文/社保登记证/社保购买花名册Social security insurance (injury/retirement/medical/unemployment etc.) payment receipts/ invoice/Approval from local government/Registration certificate/personnel list □    □    □□    □
25*公司的健康安全政策/规章制度 Health & safety policy/ Regulations and rules□    □    □□    □
26房屋建筑工程竣工验收报告/备案表  Certificate of Inspection for Completed Building Construction/ Registration Records □    □    □□    □
27厂房消防验收合格证/报告 Fire-Fighting Acceptance Inspection  Certificate/ Report□    □    □□    □
28*消防应急预案/程序,消防演习记录(含照片)Fire drill program & records and fire evacuation plan & procedure (inlcuding pictures)□    □    □□    □
29食堂卫生许可证/食堂员工健康证 Sanitation Permit for Kitchen/ Health Certificate of kitchen employee□    □    □□    □
30急救人员资格证书  Trained first aider certificate□    □    □□    □
31医护人员执业资格证书 Qualified certificate of doctor or nurse□    □    □□    □
32*工伤医疗事故处理记录/再发生防范措施 Accident,injury reports & records/Precaution Measures on Reocurrence □    □    □□    □
33电梯等起重设备:使用登记证/验收/年检合格证(如:电动葫芦/电动叉车) Register of elevator & lift and annual inspection certificate□    □    □□    □
34锅炉,压力容器使用登记证/年检合格证 Register of pressure vessels & boilers and annual inspection certificate□    □    □□    □
35特种作业人员(叉车/电工/电焊工/司炉工等)资格(操作)证书Specialized safety training certificate( Valid safety operation certificate of Lift / Forklift vehicle /Qualified Electrician/ Electric welding operator certificate/Operator certificate of boiler)□    □    □□    □
List of chemical/Approval certificate of chemical warehouse/register & storage record
□    □    □□    □
37安全防范应急措施/物料安全数据表 Chemical Safety Precuation Measures/MSDS (material safety data sheet) of dangerous chemicals□    □    □□    □
38化学危险品仓管员上岗培训证书/培训记录 Qualified certificate/Training records for the keeper of dangerous chemicals warehouse
□    □    □□    □
39工作场所职业危害因素(空气质量/噪声等)评价报告 The hazadous elements (air quality and noise etc.)evaluation report for Workplace □    □    □□    □
40健康安全以及惩戒措施方面的会议记录Meeting Minutes of joint committees on OHS and disciplinary matters□    □    □□    □
41危险废弃物处理合同,处置单位的营业执照,经营许可,危险废弃物转移记录等 Dangerous Waste Handling Service Agreement/Contract, Business license or Business Permit of Dangerous Waste Collector, Transport records etc□    □    □□    □
42*环境评估报告 Environment evaluation report
(e.g. Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA)Documents (Environmental Impact Report, Environmental Impact Report Form or fill out Environmental Impact Registraction Form), EIA Approval, Acceptance Check of Environmental Protection of Construction Projects, Pollutant Discharging Permit/ Declaration Form of Pollutants Discharged/ Monitoring Report etc)
□    □    □□    □
43紧急预案 Emergency action procedures
 (如,危险化学品事故急救预案或演习 dangerous chemical emergency succor plan or drill)
□    □    □□    □
44工厂政策文件关于:商业廉政/反腐败, 禁止使用童工(含童工补救措施), 工作时间, 惩戒措施,工资福利,健康安全,环境保护,员工培训,反歧视等
• Facility policies:
• Business Integrity
• Child labour
• Wage and hours of work
• Disciplinary
• Benefits and allowances
• Health & Safety
• Environment
• Training
• Discrimination and harassment
□    □    □□    □
Other documents/records (subject to actual circumstances during the audit, please provide per auditor's requirement)
备注: 所有标“*”文件是工厂必须具备的文件,请确保提前准备好,以便评审员可以快速查阅。
Remark: All above documents marked with"*" are considered as basic mandatory documents. Please make sure all the relevant documents are in ready in advance and then auditors can review them quickly during the audit. 
上一篇: LOWE'S验厂介绍