Document List for Woolworths Quality Audit
一. General information 基本信息
0. Business License 营业执照
1. Factory Profile 公司简介
2. Organization Chart 公司组织架构图
3. Factory Floor Plans 厂区/厂房平面图
4. Production Process Chart 生产工序流程图
5. ISO9000 / other QMS Certificates ISO9000及其他质量管理体系证书
二. Quality Management System质量管理体系
1. Quality Policy 质量方针
2. Quality Manual 质量手册
3. Responsibilities and Authority 职责说明
4. Production Hazard Analysis/Risk Assessment 生产危害分析/风险评估记录
5. Critical Control Point Identifying/Monitoring Records 一般质量控制点及关键控制点的识别与监控记录
6. Internal Audit Control Procedure / Records 内审管理程序及记录
7. Management Review Control Procedure / Records 管理评审控制程序及记录
8. Orders Review Procedure & Records 订单评审程序及记录
9. Customer Specifications & Change Notices 客户产品规格及变更通知
10. Supplier/Sub-contractor Management Procedure 供应商/分包商管理程序
11. Approved Supplier/Sub-contractor List 合格供应商/分包商名录
12. Supplier/Sub-contractor Evaluation/Monitoring Records 供应商/分包商年度评估及月度监控记录
13. Product Identification & Traceability Control Procedure 产品标识与追溯控制程序
14. Root cause Investigation & Corrective Action Records for Product Defects 产品缺陷的根原因分析及纠正措施
15. Customer Complaint Handling Procedure/Records 客户投诉处理程序/记录
16. Recall Procedures 产品召回控制程序
17. Corrective Action Records 纠正措施记录
18. Training Management Procedure 人员培训管理程序
19. Annual Training Plan & Records 年度培训计划及记录
20. Regulations Collection/Updates 法规收集/更新一览表
21. Pest Prevention Procedure & Records 虫害防控程序/记录
22. Public Liability Insurance (≥100M AU dollars) within Valid Period
23. 公共责任险(保额1000万澳元以上)
三. Raw Materials & Purchasing原料与采购
1. Incoming Materials Control Procedure / Work Instruction / Inspection & (3rd party) Test Records 来料检验控制程序/作业指引/检验及测试(含第三方)记录
2. Purchase orders and purchase contracts 采购单、采购合同
3. Specifications for Incoming Materials 来料规格说明
4. Non-conforming Goods Control & Concession Procedure / Records 不合格品控制及让步接收控制程序/记录
四. Manufacturing Process Controls制程控制
1. Process Control Procedure 制程管理控制程序
2. Specifications for Semi-finished Goods 半成品规格说明
3. Work Instructions for Production 产品生产作业指导书
4. First Article Verification Records 首件检验记录
5. IPQC Inspection Standards/ Records 巡检检验标准及记录
6. Non-conforming Goods Control Procedure / Records 不合格品控制程序/记录
五. Staff, Premises and Equipment人员,场所,设备
1. Production Line Set Up/Change Control Procedure 产线设置及变更管理程序
2. Equipment Maintenance Plan and Records 设备维护计划和记录
3. Chemical Control Procedure 化学品管理程序(防止杀虫剂/润滑油/溶剂等对产品的污染) 4. MSDS of Chemicals 化学品物料安全数据表
5. Workplace Cleaning Plan and Records 车间清洁(清理)计划/记录
六. Inspection/Test/Analysis检验,测试,分析
1. Testing/Measuring Equipments Calibration Procedure / Records 测量设备校验程序/报告 2. Work Instructions for Lab Testing 测试作业指引
3. OQC/QA Inspection Standards / Records OQC/QA成品检验标准及记录
4. Non-conforming Goods Control & Disposal Procedure / Records 不合格品控制及处理程序/记录
七. Packing, Storage and Despatch 包装和储运
1. Packing Work Instruction 包装作业指引
2. Process for Preventing Shortage 防止产品短装/少数的程序
3. Products Releasing Control Procedure / Records 产品放行控制程序/出货记录